Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Symposium and the origin of Drinking games

Symposium was referred to as sort of forum where elder men of a society would go to discuss things of a political nature. While this was one goal of the gathering, i would go so far as to say there was a simple motive of partying involved. Dr. Rupert Thompson of Cambridge university agrees that one of the very first references to any kind of drinking game is in symposium. They played the most simplistic game imaginable, but it is still the roots of many drinking games we know today. They simply poured wine into a bowl or kylikes and drank then passed quickly. Perhaps this is the root of games we know as speed quarters or kings cup and any other communal drinking game.

Another interesting thing i discovered was the incorporation of songs into the ritual of drinking. Anybody can tell you that anything that rocks rocks harder if you're drunk; not to flog a dead horse, but all that is past possesses the present. Socrates may have been the first rock and roller or 70's style hippie, as he enjoyed parties with music drinking games and good old fashioned friendly debate.

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