Tuesday, April 28, 2009

losing religion

The idea of questioning faith doesn't come up very often in ancient literature. Probably because they fear the same fate as Arachne or Pentheus. Hecuba questions her faith as a prisoner, but its nothing compared with modern atheism. I find it interesting that people have basically stopped interpreting the lessons literally when they claim to believe in the repercussions of not believing so strongly. Many christians pick and chose what they want to believe to make it nice and convenient, with little regard for morality. maybe its our modern times that dictate was is probable that explains why so many people don't believe. but god forbid any gay person be allowed to marry.

Maybe i got it wrong and people were just as defiant of their own belief system then as they are now. but judging by the violent repercussions of defiance i don't know who would have the balls.

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