Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Modern man in Lysistrata

Though the play Lysistrata is hilarious in its idea that women can use sex to control even the most powerful of men, that idea may not be so useful today. Maybe comedian Ron White said it best, "I'm a good dog, but if you never pet me, I won't stay on the porch." It seems that the idea of fidelity today is far less a priority than it was then. Just look at situations like Bill Clinton, either he isn't getting any or his manhood works overtime; judging by what an ice queen Hildog is, I'd guess the first. I'd say the past possesses the present most of the time, but some things progress to different understandings. Point in fact: Paris Hilton. Never before relatively modern times was looking and acting like a dumb drunk slut admirable. but somebody is buying into all her crap or she wouldn't be famous.

Or maybe infidelity has always existed to this degree, and the fact that people have more freedom now allows them to make it plain.

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